Ask Sam

Something on your mind? Or need some support?

Anyone can write in with their problem. I respond to a few letters each week. You can also read my advice to people who have similar problems to you.

Ask me a question

You can ask me about anything you want, there's nothing too big or small. I read every single letter but I can only answer a few each week. My replies are published here on my page.

Write me a letter

What you need to know:

  • Sam reads every letter, but can only respond to a few each week
  • Sam's replies are public, never private, so others can read them
  • Sam will remove personal info from your letter to keep it anonymous
  • if yours is chosen, you'll see it under one of the topics below
  • if you need support now or want to talk privately, contact a Childline counsellor.

latest letters

My embarrassing day

ye me and my 2 friends went to my crush and I told him J liked him tben ran away I cane back and my friend told me he...

What my friend said

So ive been incecure about my body since forever and i started getting better and better and until a few weeks ago i ...

i feel ashamed

hi sam, i am 15 and a lesbian and i feel really ashamed. whenever people bring up gay people it makes me feel uneasy ...

Intrusive thoughts

Hi Sam, Recently i’ve been worried about something that I know doesn’t matter but i keep thinking about it. Basically...


i havent been doing great ive been crying all night something stopping me from asking for help do you have suggestions

How do u cope

my mum is horrible and never loved me etc and now i don't know how to cope i get so attached to any adult figure that...

Message from Sam

You can write to me about anything you want and I read every single message sent. I can only reply to a few each week and I always do this in public on my page. I’m sorry if I don’t answer your letter but it’s likely there are others just like it that I have answered before. If you want a definite response or need support then talking to a Childline counsellor is the best way to do that.

Write me a letter


I feel so fat

i feel so fat and ugly, and im too scared to go out incase i get judged. i hate my body. some girl has already told m...

I hate myself

I hate the way I look. I'm fat and ugly. My hair is blonde/brown, and is always a rat's nest, no matter what I do. I ...

my uglyness and fatness

dear sam             well i have been called really ugly once and i was really upset and didnt knw what to do i belie...

I don't know

hi sam, im 13 and recently i have been having really bad problems with the way I look. I just dont like the way I loo...


I have been worrying about my weight a lot I just started to care this year, at school I usually don't eat anything a...


I am extremley self concious and i constantly feel like everyone is staring at me. when I walk down the road i consta...

the way i look

dear sam just because i am 17 and weigh about 13 stone everyone thinks i am fat what can i do

Make-up and self confidence

Well I'm 12 and I am worried about how I look. I have spots and I wear makeup to make myself feel better and make peo...

I am ugly

i literally always feel so ugly. i hate the way i look soo much, i have eczema which creases my eyelids because of th...


I'm 10 and people (Mainly Boys) have been saying “with a face like yours you will never be famous" and I want to...

Im not confident in my self

i have a boyfriend but i hate talking to him! well no i love talking to him but i hate it when i do because i always ...

Osgood-Schlatter's Disease

I got diagnosed with OSD on 22/01/15, and I have to wear these leg support things to stop my legs from giving way. Bu...


Hi sam I fill different from all the other kids in school because i had cancer I am ugly and have to wear a hat at sc...

I'm so ugly it hurts

I suffer from pigmentation mainly on my upper lip, I have tried everything from lightening cream, to home remedies su...

Out of school

Hi sam, So GCSE exams have finally finished and im now on holliday, but what I thought would be weeks of freedom fro...

Stretching My Ears?

So this might not seem as big of a problem as the other stuff on here, but I really want to stretch my ear lobes. I f...


Hi, I am so angry with myself, I am 12 and watching porn and masterbating and I'm feeling ugly and disgusting... I f...

The way I look down there.

I do not like the way my vagina looks . I am 16 and I want to have sex but I'm self conscious . Can u help me ? I rea...

Self Esteem

Umm this is the first time I've ever done this. Hi Sam im 14 and i hate myself. I look at all of my friends and i see...

My Height

I am 12years old and just 7weeks ago I began my secondary school since then I have been becoming more self consious o...

Hair colour

I desperately want to dye my hair black but does anyone have the power to stop me, if they do, who is it? And why wou...