If you can't wait for a chat, sending a message instead can really help.
Sending a message is free, and we’ll usually reply within a day. Writing to a counsellor can give you the space to say what you want and ask questions.
You can say as much or as little as you feel able to. If you’re not sure what to write, you could start by including:
- a little about yourself, like your name and how old you are
- what’s been happening or what’s on your mind, and how it makes you feel
- any questions you might have, and what you’d like to happen in the future
- a title that says what you’d like to talk about.
You don’t need to write a lot if you don’t want to, but it can help to include all the information the counsellor might need to know – if a counsellor needs to ask for more information, it can take longer to get help.
Writing an email can help you to get out your feelings, don’t forget you can use your mood journal to record how you’re feeling any time.