
The Childline site you're about to enter was created for under 12s. This means the pages are written in a way that's suitable for primary school children. You may also notice that the site looks a bit different to the main site.

What's Different

Compared to the main site you were just on, the under 12s site:

  • is easier to use as there are fewer pages
  • has pages that are easier to understand as they're written for under 12s
  • has illustrations, like the ones you see on this page, as primary school children told us they preferred these to photos.
friendship spotlight.png

Returning to the main site

If you'd like to return to the main site after you visit the under 12s site, you'll need to delete the under 12s cookie in your browser. The instructions for how to do this are below. 

Once you've done that you'll be able to see the main site again by going to childline.org.uk.

Private Browsing

If you'd prefer not to delete the under 12s cookie, you can view the under 12s site in a private browser. Instructions on how to do that are below.

You can then visit the under 12s site by typing www.childline.org.uk/kids into your private browser.

What different words mean