Ask Sam

Something on your mind? Or need some support?

Anyone can write in with their problem. I respond to a few letters each week. You can also read my advice to people who have similar problems to you.

Ask me a question

You can ask me about anything you want, there's nothing too big or small. I read every single letter but I can only answer a few each week. My replies are published here on my page.

Write me a letter

What you need to know:

  • Sam reads every letter, but can only respond to a few each week
  • Sam's replies are public, never private, so others can read them
  • Sam will remove personal info from your letter to keep it anonymous
  • if yours is chosen, you'll see it under one of the topics below
  • if you need support now or want to talk privately, contact a Childline counsellor.

latest letters

My embarrassing day

ye me and my 2 friends went to my crush and I told him J liked him tben ran away I cane back and my friend told me he...

What my friend said

So ive been incecure about my body since forever and i started getting better and better and until a few weeks ago i ...

i feel ashamed

hi sam, i am 15 and a lesbian and i feel really ashamed. whenever people bring up gay people it makes me feel uneasy ...

Intrusive thoughts

Hi Sam, Recently i’ve been worried about something that I know doesn’t matter but i keep thinking about it. Basically...


i havent been doing great ive been crying all night something stopping me from asking for help do you have suggestions

How do u cope

my mum is horrible and never loved me etc and now i don't know how to cope i get so attached to any adult figure that...

Message from Sam

You can write to me about anything you want and I read every single message sent. I can only reply to a few each week and I always do this in public on my page. I’m sorry if I don’t answer your letter but it’s likely there are others just like it that I have answered before. If you want a definite response or need support then talking to a Childline counsellor is the best way to do that.

Write me a letter


Parents and school

Hi Sam, My parents have divorced and I live with my mum, I don't see my dad at all as he doesn't want to see me anym...

Moving out at 16

Hi Sam, I am a 16 year old girl and last year I came out and told my mum I had a girlfriend. My girlfriend lives a fe...

Seeking for help!

Hello,I'm 15 years of age and I am private fostered by my deceased mothers friend,I have not long come out of care! I...

Foster care

I'm in foster care , and my carers have starte to go through my things in my bedroom whilst I'm sleeping? Is this inv...

Is It OK?

Is it ok for a teacher to hold your hand in class? It makes me very uncomftorble but I dont know how to make it stop....


there is this boy in my school  being sexist about girls playing football but thats what i love to do what shall i do


I always think this over my head all the time, what is our rights, I'm currently growing up in the care system an I a...


hey sam so i turn 18 in 3 months do you now if i could leave home now with out parents concent

Genderfluidity At School

heyy um i just need to know are my school allowed to ban me from changing anything about myself due to gender fluidit...

My vagina

Hey Sam, im really worried about the colour and extra skin on my vagina. I'm worried no boy  will ever want to do stu...

I dont what to do

Hi. I'm 15 years old and I'm a student finishing high school, I have recently came out as lesbian, to my friends who ...


I am 16 with a 3 week old son. I have been told by the baby's social worker I HAVE to live at my mothers or go into c...

Being in foster care

Hi, sam well ive been in foster care for 8 years now and now i'm 16 things have started to change. I'm not treated ri...

Leaving care

Hi there, my name is R* and am 16 in June 2015. Am in foster care and I want to leave the care system on my birthday ...

Money Problems

I'm 11 and neatly evryone in my year group has a phone. My family is pretty poor and we have money problems. I really...

Rights in School

Hello, I'm a 13 year old (in year 9 at school ) and I'm a lesbian nobody knows but I am going to tell my parent very ...

i need your help

ok so hi sam im a**** and i have changed my personality from girly to emo/punk i have been wearing darker make up cha...

Foster Care

Dear Sam, I have a friend that is in foster care and i'm really concerned with how she is coping. Before going into ...


I am a 14 year old boy my parents won't give me pocket money that's fine, I'm in need of money so I can go out with m...

my sexuality and my mum

in November i told my Mom i was Gay and within a day she had packed my bags and asked me to leave, i am 16 years old ...

Christmas in Care

i have only just gone into care its a weird place i am in a group home and will probs be there for christmas. i dont ...


Hi, I don't really know what to say or how this works but on FB there in this guy I know who sends me sexual messages...