Ask Sam letter


To Sam


I always think this over my head all the time, what is our rights, I'm currently growing up in the care system an I always feel like my rights are not getting met and this isn't fair, I hate it when people don't listen or tel you things!
what is our rights?
Ask Sam


Hi there,

When someone is growing up in care they have the same rights as any other young person. Your rights matter and knowing what they are and when to speak out is important, particularly when you are living in care and there are lots of people involved in making decisions for you.

Reading our page about your rights could give you some more help.

The Who Cares Trust talks about what your rights are when you are living in care, and could be a good place to start. We also have a page about living in care which could be useful.

Your care plan can help you understand more about what should be happening. This is a set of written instructions stating how you will be cared for, where you will live, who will look after you and when and how often you should see your family. Your social worker should be able to show this to you.

If there is anything you’re not happy with while you're in care it’s really important that you tell someone. Your social worker is there to support you, and he or she should make sure you know who to contact for advice or support in between their visits. Read our advice about asking an adult for help.

If you feel your social worker or carers are not supporting you, you have a right to make a complaint. It can feel scary to make a complaint but remember that having rights means you are entitled to do so.

Coram voice has trained advocates who work to help young people living in care or away from home. An advocate is someone who can speak on your behalf.  Their helpline number is 0808 800 5792 (opening hours are 9.30am – 6pm) and they can also help to explain your rights.

ChildLine counsellors are also there to support you with any difficult situations or feelings. They can also help you with practical things like getting in contact with your social worker. You can contact a counsellor by calling free from any mobile network on 0800 1111, having a 1-2-1 chat, or sending an email.

I hope some of this helps.

Take care,

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You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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