helping a friend who feels suicidal
Caring for your friend is the best thing you can do. Just being there can help them start to feel better. Ask how they're feeling and listen closely to what they tell you. Your friend might explain why they feel sad or hopeless. Tell them you understand why they might feel like this – but that you don’t want them to react by ending their own life.
People who feel suicidal often feel hopeless. You can help give hope back to your friend. Suggest future plans or things you can do together. It could be anything, like a bike ride or a trip to the cinema each week.
You can also encourage your friend to talk to a Childline counsellor or a doctor. It really helps to talk to someone, and they might find it easier to talk to someone who they don’t know. Remember that it’s not all up to you to help them cope.
When supporting somebody who's feeling suicidal, you might say things like:
"I'm here whenever you want to talk."
"I can help you get some support."
"You can trust me."
"You're so important to me."
You're not responsible for stopping your friend from hurting themselves. If helping your friend is difficult or upsetting, you can talk to a Childline counsellor. It's important that you get support too.