OCD is a mental health condition that makes someone think about things over and over and repeat an action or behaviour again and again. This can cause a lot of anxiety.
OCD can affect people in lots of different ways, and can have a big impact on your life. Someone with OCD has:
- Obsessive thoughts – Thoughts or images that keep coming up for you, making you feel bad or anxious
- Compulsive behaviours – Things you feel like you have to do to stop yourself from feeling bad
For example, someone with OCD might be worried leaving a door unlocked. Because they’re worried, they’ll lock and unlock their front door over and over again, even though they’re already running late.
If you’re worried about OCD, or it’s having an impact on your life then it’s important to get support. You can speak to your doctor, or visit YoungMinds to find out more about it.
We’ve also got lots of advice to cope with anxiety.