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Use 1-2-1 chats to get support online about anything that’s worrying you.
Childline is a service for anyone aged 18 and under. Get support with anything that might be worrying you.
Use 1-2-1 chats to get support online about anything that’s worrying you.
Post anonymously on the message boards to get support or help others.
Paralympian Zak Skinner speaks the challenges he faced being partially sighted with ocular albinism.
YouTuber Connor Ward speaks about his personal experiences of being autistic.
YouTuber Jazzy Whips speaks about deaf and the importance of inclusivity.
Whether you’re worried about being left out or judged because you’re different or disabled, there are things you can do.
Call for free on 0800 1111 at any time.
Send us a message using a Childline account.