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Getting help if you're being bullied
Anyone can be bullied, but sometimes it can feel hard to get support. If you’re struggling to talk or get support, then we’re here to help.
Making a plan to talk
Talking about bullying is an important step in getting help. Being bullied is never your fault, but sometimes it can feel hard to open up about it.
Start by thinking about who you’d most want to tell. It could be a teacher, your parents or carers, a coach or any other adult you trust. Think about when would be best to talk to the person, or whether it might help to ask for a time when you can speak.
It can help to share examples of what’s been happening. You could write down what’s been happening, or keep screenshots of messages. You could also write a letter to help start the conversation or keep a diary of the bullying to show someone what people are doing.
Try thinking about what you’d like to happen, or anything you’re worried about. You could even write down any questions you have about how someone can support you.
Follow-up on what’s happening
Lots of young people have spoken to us about how their bullying has carried on, even when they’ve told someone. It can feel really tough when this happens, but it’s important to remember that you can still get support.
Even after you’ve spoken to someone, it’s okay to speak to them again to ask what’s happened or say whether or not things have gotten better.
If you feel like you’re not being taken seriously or you’re not getting the help you deserve, it can help to think about other people you can talk to. Remember, you can always talk to us.
Report and block bullying online
Most social media sites have ways to block and report people who are bullying you. Each site or app is different, but it can help to remember to:
- screenshot posts and messages as well as reporting them
- don’t reply or respond to messages or posts
- report each post or message you see, even if they’re similar to things that have been posted before
- take a break and find ways to look after yourself after seeing something online.
Speak to the police
Most bullying isn’t against the law, but if someone commits a crime against you then you can report that. This can include:
- being violent or physically assaulting you
- sexually assaulting you
- stealing things from you
- hate crimes, including bullying you because of your race, gender or sexual identity, or if you have a disability
- sharing or threatening to share a naked image of you without your permission.
If you’re not sure whether you should report something to the police, it can help to speak to an adult you trust or to a Childline counsellor.
Look after yourself
Whether you’ve told anyone or not, being bullied can have a big impact on you. There are lots of resources on the Childline website that can help: