Taking control of your online safety

We all like being one step ahead. And the same applies when we’re spending time online. So we’ve got tips to help feel more in control when you’re scrolling.

Safety hacks

Our safety hacks are here to help you feel more in control online.

Think before you share

What you share online can stick around for longer than youwe think, including our photos, videos, and comments. It’s good to always keep this in mind.

Keep private info private

Keep things like your address, phone number, full name, school and date of birth private, and check what people can see in your privacy settings.

Know who you’re chatting to

When chatting to others online, keep an eye out for red flags, fake profiles, or anyone who might not be who they say they are.

Spot the fakes

Not everything we see online is always going to be true. Spotting misinformation will help you feel more in control of your feed, your feelings, and your views of the world.

Talk it out

If anything happens or something you’re not sure about, you don’t need to hide it or pretend it hasn’t happened. Chat to a mate, an adult you trust, or you can always contact Childline.

Keeping your info safe

Keeping your info safe is a great way to feel in control online. Here are our top safety skills you can use right now.


got scammed
on TikTok once lol,had to 
change my passwords and everything

Staying ahead of online scams

Could you spot an online scammer? We all think we’d know them when they see them, but it’s not always easy, especially as technology continues to evolve. The best way to avoid these scams is to know what they look like what to do if you think someone is trying to scam you.
