Ask Sam letter


To Sam

How to continue

Hi Sam. I'm 14 and I am severely depressed. My question is, upon experiencing depression (and then more importantly recognising it), how do you continue to live a normal life. I'm sure a lot of people have woken up one day before and felt like they couldn't get up and go to work or school or generally carry on like everything's okay. So what happens when you reach that point? How do you break through that? And how do you determine whether or not you want to?

thank you

Ask Sam


Hi there,

Life can be a real struggle when you are feeling depressed and trying to keep a “normal life”. It can be difficult finding the motivation to do day-to-day things and not show how you’re really feeling.

A lot of people suffer from depression – you’re not alone. It's a good thing that you recognise that you're experiencing depression and it’s really brave to admit it.

Sometimes making little changes can help people cope with their depression and get through the days. Some people find it helps to try exercising or being creative, some people will listen to music or will try going to bed a bit earlier. Doing things that you enjoy can sometimes help lift your mood, it can make you feel a little better.

It's ok to be honest with yourself and other people about what you're going through. Talking to someone can help and you can also see a doctor if you want to. If you have someone you feel comfortable talking to, that is a great way to get the support you deserve.

If you don't feel ready to take that step, that’s okay too. It isn’t always easy speaking to someone you know about how you're feeling. You can speak to one of our counsellors any time for support. They're always there to support you.

The message boards have posts from other young people who may be in a similar situation. You can read or take part any time.

Take care,


Need help straight away?

You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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