Report Remove

Report Remove is here to help young people under 18 in the UK to confidentially report sexual images and videos of themselves and remove them from the internet.

How Report Remove works

Having your nudes shared can feel scary, and it can leave you feeling worried or even ashamed. But it’s not your fault. 

It’s against the law for anyone to share a sexual image or video of someone who’s under 18, and we’re working with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and Yoti to help you remove any sexual image or video of you that’s online. 

Report Remove is safe, easy and free – all you need to do is follow these steps: 

  • choose your age range
  • create a Childline account so we can send you updates on your report
  • report your image or video to the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
  • talk to a Childline counsellor if you want any extra support, or access support on the Childline website 
  • check your Childline locker a few days after your report to see if you need to add any more information and to see updates on your report 
  • report any issues with this process by sending an email from your Childline locker with the subject 'Report Remove' and as much information about the problem as you can. 

Read more about how to report an image or video.

Watch: How Report Remove works

Make your report

Check Icon
Check Icon

The Internet Watch Foundation can only remove sexual images and videos of people who are under 18. But there are other ways to get support:


If you’re 18 now but were under 18 in the photo or video, you can contact the IWF directly for support in getting it removed.

Not sure why you’re seeing this page?

If you’re under 18 and are being shown this page after proving your age with Yoti, there might be something that isn’t working quite right.

Make sure your ID is:

  • in-date (not expired),
  • is the same ID that you have selected,
  • and the picture is clear.

If you’ve checked these things and are still being shown this page, please create a Childline account and send a message using your locker explaining the problem.Our team will contact you to try and help.  

Help with your report

Before your report

After you've made a report

Who are the IWF?

The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) are an organisation dedicated to removing nude images of under 18s from the internet, they have specialist training and lots of experience to do this.

Childline and IWF work together to run Report Remove and support you. The IWF will assess your report and work to make sure images and videos are taken down and Childline is here to help you with anything that’s happening. Only the IWF will see what you report using Report Remove.