Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Help please

hi sam i feal like a complete idiot messaging you cause of what u might think if me for the past 2 months i have realy being struggerling with something. i am completely into boys and i know that starting from 2 months ago i was called a leabian and i am in no way attracted to girls at all but ever since been called that all i do is think think ans think and i cant get it out of my head and its driving me insane its all i think about and im worried im going to lose my feeling towards boys when i am not homophobic or anything but its something ive never realy accepted to be me and im thinking that much i keep thinking i am it when im not and its realy annoying me as its ruining my life and my fealings im getting realy upset about it now and i cant get it out of my head no matter what i try hobbies studdyieng music i dont know whats weong with me i cant stand it no more i also feel as though i cant be in a realtionship because of it amd when u do get into a realtonwhip it feals weong and that i shoulsnt be .

Ask Sam


Hi there,

You’ve done the right thing by sharing how you feel, we all need support sometimes. As you grow up it takes time to get to know yourself and your sexuality. When you’re still learning about yourself it’s natural to have questions and doubts about who you are. Sometimes someone can make a comment like calling you a lesbian that can make you question whether you are. Even if you’re completely into boys you could find yourself starting to question that. It’s all part of the process of learning about who you are.

Relationships can be difficult when you’re trying to understand your own sexuality. That can make you feel uncomfortable and like you shouldn’t be in a relationship. It’s ok to take your time and only get into a relationship when you feel ready to.

When thoughts go round and round your head they can build and get stronger and make it harder to enjoy life. Talking and sharing your feelings with someone can help you make sense of them and to feel better. The Childline counsellors are always here to listen and support you and you can also talk to a trusted adult. You can also talk to other young people on the Childline message boards too.

Take care,


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