Get support

You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it's better out than in. We're here to support you.

There are lots of different ways to speak to a Childline counsellor or get support from other young people.

Our 1-2-1 chat and phone services aren’t available right now while we make some important improvements to Childline. They’ll be open again at 7:15am.

We know how hard it can be opening up. You can still send a message to a counsellor, and we’ll reply within 24 hours, you can also get support on our website any time. Even though you can't speak right now, Childline will still be here at other times to support you. In an emergency you should always call 999.

Get more information about how we’re improving Childline.

Ways to get support

Send an email

Send an email from your Childline account and we'll reply within 24 hours.

Write an email

Call for free on 0800 1111

The fastest way to reach us. Call for free on any phone and it won't show on the bill.

Call us

Log-in for a 1-2-1 counsellor chat

Chat with a counsellor in a safe space online about whatever is worrying you.

Chat now

Sign with us

Chat to a counsellor with help from a British Sign Language interpreter.

Chat with us

Talk to Childline

Did you know?

40% of our counsellors are aged between 18 and 34.

Watch: Talking to Childline

Talk to other young people

Talk on the message boards safely and anonymously, or read what other young people have posted.

You can talk about all sorts of things on the boards. You could say what’s worrying you, offer support, or just share something that makes you feel good.

Write to Ask Sam

Sam answers letters from young people like you every week. Whatever your worry, there’s probably a letter for you.

Anyone can write to Sam, you don’t need to sign up or tell us your name. Sam reads every letter you send, and chooses a few each week to answer on the website.

Report Remove

It can be scary finding out a nude image or video of you has been shared online. But we can help. The Report Remove tool is for young people in the UK — follow the steps below to get your image or video removed from the internet.