On Your Side – Powered by Childline
We’ve contacted you because you’ve been contacted by someone who may have been trying to harm you. You haven’t done anything wrong, and Childline is here to support you.
Why did Childline contact me?
The police think that you’ve been messaged by someone who’s been pressuring young people into sharing nudes, or doing sexual things. You’re not in trouble, and the police aren’t trying to find out who you are. But they’ve asked us to contact you to help you keep safe online.
We’re not able to say who it was, but the police will have dealt with them and they shouldn’t contact you again.
We want to help you to stay safe in the future, no matter what’s happening online. And you can talk to Childline confidentially about anything.
We're here to talk confidentially about anything. You can talk online, by calling 0800 1111 for free, or by creating an account to email us.
Staying in control online
Lots of people meet friends or have relationships online. Sometimes it can feel easier to be honest about yourself or share how you're feeling, but it’s important to think about what people could do with what you tell them.
Try our tips on how to take control of your online relationships:
What is grooming?
Many of the people the police arrest will have tried to groom a child online. This is when someone builds your trust so they can convince or pressure you into doing something, like sending a nude, sexual video or talking about sexual things.
Grooming can happen to anyone. And it’s not your fault if it does, people who groom children do everything they can to build trust.
If you think you, or someone you know, might have been groomed or pressured, then you don’t have to cope alone. It’s important to talk about what's happening - you can speak to an adult you trust or a Childline counsellor.
If you think someone might have groomed or tried to pressure you or someone you know, then you don’t have to cope alone. It’s important to:
'On your Side - Powered by Childline' is a pilot between Childline and Dyfed Poyws police force.