Making a safety plan
If you’re feeling unsafe at home or in a relationship, it’s important to get support. A safety plan can help you know what to do in the future.
What is a safety plan?
Your safety plan tells you who you should talk to if you’re feeling unsafe, where you can get help and places you can go for support. It’s your plan, so it’s important to think about the adults you trust and feel safe with.
You might want to make a safety plan if you’re worried about:
- being hurt or abused at home
- someone you live with or who’s close to you being hurt
- people you live with drinking or taking drugs
- feeling unsafe in your relationship
- getting bullied or threatened at school.
It’s important to talk to an adult you trust when you’re making a safety plan so they can help you. You could show them your plan after you’ve made it, or create one with them. Showing someone you trust the plan can help them to support you in the future. If you’re not sure who to talk to, it can help to speak to a Childline counsellor.
Even if you have a safety plan, if you’re in danger or you need support straight away then it’s important to call 999 to ask for support.
Downloading the safety plan means that anyone who uses your device might be able to see it.
How to make a safety plan
It’s best to make your safety plan with an adult you trust. You could talk to:
- a teacher
- your social worker or CAMHS worker
- your parents or carers
- a doctor or school nurse
- a religious leader, or sports coach
- a Childline counsellor
It can help to talk about where you feel safest, and what’s helped in the past. It can also help to think about when you’d want to use your safety plan.
Talking about your safety plan can also help the people in your life understand what you’re worried about and what support you want in the future.