Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Why doesn’t anyone mention the anxiety that comes with diagnosis

hi. i am waiting for a autism, adhd, ocd, dyspraxi, dyscalculia and other nuerodiveristys diagnosis. just a general alm around nuerodiveristy diagnosis. mostly autism, but in general all. i just dont understand it though. why does so much anxitey come with having to wait. ever since i got a refferal, things havent been the same. i have more anixtey. every day i ask my mum if im off the waiting list. and irs always always no. i don’t understand. ive been performing worse in school, my only escape is theatre. where everyone pretends. i just dont understand. why do i have to wait so long? i did the math, and acording to the nhs the last people were seen in 93 weeks (in my area) which means i have to wait until about September 2026!

​how am i meant to cope with this for OVER 2 YEARS!

​and until then im just expected to wait? i only have teathre twice a week. rhis isnt going to work out. i need to get a diagnosis or atleast stop thw anxitey. i am scared im going to fall back into SH. i just want it to stop. i cant with the anixitey thats with it anymore. it doesnt make any sense to me. im crying writing this but its too much to take anymore. i cant bare it.

​any tips or help woukd be nice…

Ask Sam


Hi there,

Taking the step to get a referral for a diagnosis can be difficult, and it’s natural to feel anxious when you don’t know how long you’ll need to wait. You should never have to cope with that wait alone.

Getting a diagnosis is an important part of accessing support around you, but it can help to think about strategies to cope while you’re waiting. Even without a diagnosis, it can help to start looking at different tips or strategies that other neurodiverse people have found helpful.

It’s important to think about safe and reliable information. A good place to start could be Childline’s message boards. There’s a [neurodiversity section]( where other young people share ways they cope and offer to support and give advice to each other. There are lots of young people at Childline just like you who are trying to cope while they wait.

Childline also has different ways to help you cope with anxiety and has information on coping while you wait. Our resources can be helpful to learn about anxiety to give you a better understanding of it. Sometimes knowing what is happening physically when you feel anxious can help you to cope better with it.

When things are overwhelming, you shouldn’t have to cope alone. Talking to your therapist or an adult you trust can really help. Childline is also always here to give you a space to be heard and listened to. You can talk to a counsellor any time.

Take care,


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