Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Drug and alcohol addiction

dear sam i am writing u this letter because i dont knw who to talk to about my addiction. i know that if i talk to my parents about it then they will just get angry. who do you think I should talk to about my addictions? ​

Ask Sam


Hi there,

Drugs and alcohol can have a lot of long-term effects on your body and mental health. Accepting that you have an addiction can feel tough, but it shows a lot of courage that you have. It’s great that you want to get help.

Tackling any addiction needs support, and it’s important to take things one step at a time. Even when you don’t feel able to speak to your parents or family, you don’t have to cope alone. There are lots of people and resources there to help.

Your doctor is an important part of getting support. You can visit your GP any time about anything you’re worried about, including addiction. They’ll want to ask you some questions about what’s happening and may want to refer you for further support. We’ve got advice on visiting your doctor, and if you’re worried then you can ask about what they’d need to pass on before you say anything.

As well as visiting your doctor, you can also speak to Childline about anything that’s happening. Our counsellors are here to talk. You can also get more support and advice from FRANK as well.

You’ve mentioned that your parents may get angry if you tell them. It’s not easy thinking about how people might react, but even if someone reacts badly they still may be able to help. It can help to think about whether it might be good having your parents know what’s happening.

There are lots of ways to start a difficult conversation, and to limit how badly someone might react. You could start by telling them that you’re worried about their reaction or drop hints about what’s happening. It can help as well to plan how to start the conversation and think about the best time to bring it up.

Remember, whether you’re ready to tell your parents or not Childline is here for you.

Take care,


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You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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