Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Online school

I am finding this whole “independent learning from home” thing very difficult . Our School expects us to do an hour worth of tasks per Subject for five subjects. Although we would be doing this on a normal school day - This is not a normal school day. I am a student with good grades and a good worth ethic and am still finding this situation hard. I am also behind on about 4 subjects yet All my friends seem so organised and prepared. On top of this we have been set homework. It seems Ive been spending more time stressing about the work then doing the work.

Ask Sam


Hi there,

It's a big change for everyone at the moment as lots of people are learning and working on their own at home. You might not be used to being responsible for your own learning so adjusting to that is going to take time and effort.

The first thing to do is to get yourself in the right frame of mind. It's tempting to feel like you’re off school because they’re closed, but that's not true. You’re still studying, you’re just doing school at home instead. Once you get yourself into that frame of mind it's the first step towards getting organised.

The second thing you could do is create the right environment at home. This is going to be easier for some than   others, but making a space where you work and keeping it separate from where you relax can be really helpful. Keep all distractions away from your workspace as it helps you to focus. When you’re finished for the day, you can move out of that space and you will feel more able to relax and enjoy your spare time.

When working from home some people like to get dressed as if they were going out to work. It sounds funny to get dressed to go out when you're staying in but this also helps to separate when you're working and when you aren’t.

Finally getting your time organised is important as well. Planning your day can help you to focus and make sure there’s time for everything you need to do. Knowing what you’re supposed to be doing can take a lot of the stress out of the day. You have to build in regular breaks and time to eat as well. Once you’ve finished with school, you'll have free time to relax and do what you want. Having that free time scheduled in will help you to enjoy it instead of being worried that you were supposed to be doing something else.

I hope these tips help - if you need to talk more you could try our message boards to see how other people are handling schoolwork whilst being at home.

Take care.


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