Childline Vision

Childline’s making some exciting changes to help make sure we can support as many young people as possible. Find out more about what we’re doing.

What we’re doing

We’ve spoken to over 1,000 children and young people across the country to understand more about how we can improve Childline in the future. You’ve shared lots of feedback with us, and we’re working hard to make sure we’re here for all young people.

From October 2024 we’re starting to launch some of these improvements. You’ll still be able to get the same confidential support from our counsellors that we’ve always given you, but we hope that you’ll be able to get through faster and be able to talk whenever you need us.

While we’re making these changes, there may be times that we’re not available or that we will need to close some parts of our service. We’ll share information about this on our homepage so that you know what’s happening.

4 ways we’re improving Childline
  • Having more counsellors available when you want to contact
  • Improving the support available overnight
  • Offering new ways to support young people who talk to us regularly
  • Continuing to offer new and engaging ways to get support online

Contacting us at night

It can be tough when you’re struggling late at night. It can be harder to get support in your life, and lots of young people have told us that it can be difficult waiting for a counsellor.

We’re changing the way we work at night to make sure there are more counsellors available to talk. This means you’ll be able to get through to a counsellor as fast as possible whether you’re speaking to us online or on the phone. You’ll also still be able to send a message to us any time.

Childline Connect

You can talk to Childline as many times as you need to. Some young people will only speak to us once, but others might want to talk more.

Talking to us regularly can help when there’s lots going on or it’s been hard to cope. Sometimes it can feel hard to talk to different people each time you talk to us, so we have a special team to make that easier.

If you’ve been talking to us for a while, our Childline Connect Team may contact your Childline account to see how we can best support you. The support they’ll offer will be different for everybody, but they’ll talk to you about what you want and work with you to think about what’s best.