Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Wanna help my friend !!

Hi I have a friend who is trying to hurt herself and I really need help and an advice to tell her what to do ! My friend is a a belieber (fan of Justin bieber) and her sister and cousin are starting to like him and they are trying to take the beliebers role and to let people forget about my friend being a belieber so that they'll be the only beliebers in the family and I'm sure they don't like him as much as my friend does ..! Please help I wanna help my friend and tell her what to do please give me a good advice
Ask Sam


 Hi there,

Thanks for your message.

I am really pleased that you decided to come and tell me the concerns you have about your friend who is trying to hurt herself. A lot of young people hurt themselves to help them cope with feelings and situations around them. It sounds like this might be happening with your friend feeling that her role as a ‘belieber’ is being lost within her family.

You don’t say exactly what she is doing when she tries to hurt herself. Whatever it is, it’s important that she knows how to keep herself safe. This means keeping any wounds clean and free of infection by covering them and knowing that she can get any help she needs from an adult she trusts or by phoning 999 in an emergency. There is information on our self-harming page which she might find helpful. 

You might also like to suggest that your friend contacts a ChildLine counsellor, who she can talk to about what is going on for her and the feelings she has. ChildLine doesn’t judge any young person who talks to us. We will always try to keep what is said confidential so that it is just between the young person and ChildLine. You and your friend can find out more about the way ChildLine works here.

It feels like you are being a good friend by listening to and supporting your friend as best you can. This can be very difficult and I want you to know that ChildLine is there for you too. If you would like to talk things through more about your friend or any other issues, you can contact a ChildLine counsellor by free phone (0800 1111), 1-2-1 chat or an email.

Take care for now,


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