Ask Sam letter


To Sam


I've had bad eyesight for roughly 4 years. I don't know why, my guess it I was either born with it or had a few younger years addicted to computing. Now people are starting to notice, like teachers as I can't read the blackboard. I don't want to tell anyone. The idea of having to wear glasses scares me, and I'm not all that knowagable about it. Some of my friends wear glasses, but they've had them for as long as they can remember and were born with it. I don't think I was. I keep wishing I could just start my life again, but that's obviously not possible. I've done a thread about this as well but I wanted to ask you too. I really don't know what to do, and I CAN'T face telling my parents. Sometimes I (grudgingly) lie to them if they say something like "Can you see that?" I say yes when I can't. It's interfering with my social life and I just want to stop worrying! I'd be very grateful for your advice xx
Ask Sam


Hi there

Thanks for your very interesting letter. I’m sure it might help other young people to think more about wearing glasses.

I can see how you’ve been doing your best to keep this to yourself for a while and I’m thinking that’s probably been very hard for you.
I also imagine it feels especially difficult when you’ve not been able to see things clearly and others keep asking you about that.

It sounds like you might be thinking that if you were able to start your life over, your eyesight could be different but it wouldn’t happen that way. Our eyesight can change at different stages of our lives, so some people who appear to see really well without glasses at the moment, might need them at some stage in the future.

It’s really good that you are thinking about this and have made up your mind that it’s not fair that you are worrying about it. It sounds like you want to take good care of yourself. Well done for creating a thread and getting some ideas from other young people too.

I know the idea of telling anyone or wearing glasses feels scary at the moment but imagine what it would be like if you could see everything clearly and wouldn’t have the pressure of not being able to tell people the truth about this. 

When we struggle with our eyesight, it can also make us have headaches too, so it is important to get this checked out.   

Only an optician can tell you whether you do need glasses and if you do, then what’s important is to find a pair that you like and which suit you. There are some really cool glasses and an optician would help you to decide the best ones for your face shape.

If you would like to talk some more about this, maybe you could speak to a ChildLine counsellor. You can do this by ringing 0800 1111 and your call will be free, or having a 1-2-1 chat on-line with a counsellor.

Thanks again for writing to me and sharing your feelings.

Take care


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