Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Eating problems

I dont know if  i have an eating disorder. I look at people and they seem to est as if its normal. Well with me its a constant battle. I feel so fat. I look at everyone and everybody is skinner then me. Food is the devil. If i dont eat i feel tired, ill and hungry but if i do eat i will become fat. I just wish food would go away out of my lofe and leave me alone! Like i said its a daily battle trying to eat as little as i can. Just don't know what to do anymore

please help sam...

From me :)

Ask Sam


Hi there,

Thanks so much for writing to me. It’s great that you’ve had the courage to get in touch and it sounds like you’re having a tough time with food right now.

From what you’ve said, it seems like food is something that you try to avoid, even though you understand that you need to eat well to be healthy. You said that you feel fat and you compare yourself to the way that other people look. Perhaps you could do with some support for the way you are feeling, as I can hear that you’re really battling with this right now.

What do you think about getting in touch with a ChildLine counsellor? They are here 24/7 and they will listen to you about the way you’re feeling about food. They can also help you to think about your feelings and about what you might be able to try to improve things. They would like to support you and you could get in touch with them whenever you wanted to by phoning them for free on 0800 1111, emailing them or having a 1-2-1 chat.

Another site that you might find it helpful to take a look at is B-eat. They have a really useful section for young people who are worried about food or eating. There is lots of good information there and a helpline for young people who want to talk more. Perhaps you might like to take a look also like to take a look at the Eating problems page in Explore. There is also a message board where you can see what other young people are saying about their experiences of eating problems.

Take care,


Need help straight away?

You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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