Ask Sam letter


To Sam


I'm 15, but just recently, I've heard a lot about people smoking weed. All the feedback I get about weed is good and if I ever get into the situation of being offered it just once, I feel that I would like to try it. HOWEVER. I want to join the police when I'm older, and I'm worried that if I get caught then I've ruined my chances. Also the effects. I think smoking it just once will be okay right?
Ask Sam



Thank you for sending your letter to me and I can hear you feel unsure about what impact weed might have on you (now and in the future). Whether or not you end up trying weed will be up to you but I want to let you know that you should not feel pressured into doing something by friends. It is good to see that you are giving this some thought and that you are aware that it could have an impact on decisions you make in the future. It is important to think about how are actions now can affect our life further down the line, if you want to join the police when you are older then getting caught with weed could have an impact on this.

It would be difficult for me to say what effects smoking weed might have on you (as different people react to drugs in different ways) but I can say that I would not recommend that anyone smoke weed or use any other kind of drugs. Using drugs can damage your mental health, ability to carry out everyday tasks and have serious impact on your physical health too. There is some more information about the side effects of weed on the talk to frank website.

 If you would like to talk some more about this then I would encourage you to come and speak to ChildLine by ringing 0800 1111, requesting a 1-2-1 chat through the website or sending an e-mail.

Take care,


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