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hi sam. im 13 years old and just got my first period i dont know why but i feel very anxious and worried for some reason. i dont know how to feel about all this, as i feel its a really big step for not really comfortable telling anyone not even my closest friends. the constant fear is just there but i dont know what to do.
Hi there,
A period is when you lose a small amount of blood from your vagina. It happens once a month and can last between about 3-8 days. It’s a normal part of your menstrual cycle. Starting your period can bring up lots of questions and emotions, especially if you’re not sure what to expect. There are lots of ways to help you feel prepared.
When someone first starts their period, is it not uncommon for them to have irregular periods until their body adjusts to the changes that happens with their hormones. This means that your period might come more often than expected or you might miss one, which can make it difficult to predict when your next period happens.
Keeping sanitary products, like a pad or tampon, with you in case your period starts unexpectedly can help you feel more prepared. You could also keep a spare pair of underwear if you’re worried. It can be helpful to keep track of when your period happens in a diary or calendar. This can help you to see when it’s due, or if things begin to become more irregular.
It can sometimes feel uncomfortable or even embarrassing to talk about periods, but there is nothing wrong with talking about it, especially when you’re feeling anxious. Most girls and biologically female people will have a period, so sometimes it can help to think about who you’d feel most comfortable with when you’re worried.
The Brook website has helpful information on periods and period products, including how to access free period products if needed. If you are worried about your period or what’s happening, you can also get support from your doctor or a nurse any time.
Take care,
You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.
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