Ask Sam letter


To Sam

My friend wants to start vaping

Hi Sam!

when i was walking home today with my best friend, she told me a story. she said that when she was at her grandmas house, she tried her vape. she said that when she wasnt in the room, she blew a ring and that it tasted amazing. since a few people in our year (y7) have a vape and one boy in our class does, shes going to ask him to get one for her from his older friend.

what do i do?

Im scared she will pressure the rest of our friendship group into vaping or smoking but i DO NOT ever want to.

should i text her and tell her?


Ask Sam


Hi there,

Sometimes friends will do things we aren't comfortable with. It's important to make sure you stay in control of what you do and make your own choices. It can be hard when friends put pressure on you to do things like take drugs, drink alcohol or smoke but it's always okay to say no. You have the right to say how you feel about something but if you think your friend might react badly, you should pick the right place and time to do so.

Like cigarettes, e-cigarettes and tobacco, it's illegal for anyone to sell you vaping fluid if you're under 18 years old. And it would be illegal for this older friend to buy vape fluid for your friend. Also, the police can confiscate any tobacco that someone might have if they’re under 16 years old.

It's not always easy to stick to your principles when someone is pressuring you to change. When it's someone like your best friend it can make you feel very conflicted. Saying no is always okay and a good friend should respect your choices.

Finding the right time and place to talk about this with your friend is important. Smoking and vaping are bad for your health and can be addictive. You could try talking to your friend the effects of vaping on her health and your worries. It's good to be clear that you're not comfortable with her doing it around you.

Whatever happens, Childline is here for you. If you want to talk to a counsellor about what you might say to your friend you can chat about it and even practice with them first if you like.

Thanks for your letter, I hope this helped.

Take care.


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