Ask Sam letter


To Sam


im moving school and l don't want to im leaving all my friends behind how can i stop being so sad xx
Ask Sam


Hi there,

Starting at a new school can be scary and a really big change, so you’re doing really well to be talking about how you are feeling about it. It's great that you've asked for some support with what might make it easier. It’s natural to feel sad when you leave a place and the friends you've made.  

There could be two parts to your worries - wanting to stay in touch with your friends and wondering what it might be like making new friends in the new school.

It would be good to talk to your current friends about how you are feeling. You can work out ways between you all that you can keep in touch. Perhaps you could do this through phone calls, texts, emails, setting up an online group  or arrange times when you’ll be able to meet up if that's possible.

As for making new friends it might be a good idea to have a think about how you’ve made friends in the past. Think about if there are any groups or clubs you might like to get involved with at the new school as a way to get to know some people.

There is always someone for you to talk to at ChildLine about how you’re feeling. You can do this by calling on 0800 1111 (all calls are free and don’t show up on the bill) or by using our 1-2-1 chat. You may also like to take a look at the School page for some other ideas.

Take care,

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