Ask Sam letter


To Sam

pregnant without having sex

hey sam,

There's a friend of mine and she had sex with his boyfriend an year ago. then she got pregnant and han an abortion. but now after an year, out of no where she is pregnant again without even having sex. she checked it with the pregnancy strips and they turned out to be positive. shes really very very worried please suggest something please!!

Ask Sam


Hi there,

Thanks for your letter.

It sounds like your friend is feeling shocked to find out that she is pregnant and that it’s worrying her – especially after going through something similar a year ago.

It’s not possible for a girl to become pregnant without sperm and so if your friend has not had sex then there are only a few possibilities. The first is that she may not have had sexual intercourse, but if she has been naked with a boy and been close with him then there is a very small chance some semen could have got into her vagina, and this could be enough to make her pregnant.

Another possible explanation is that the pregnancy test is wrong. In this case the test would have to be saying your friend is pregnant when they are not. This almost never happens and would only happen if the test is faulty or broken – sometimes pregnancy tests can say someone is not pregnant, when they really are but generally not the other way round.

If you ever buy a pregnancy test you’ll notice they often have at least two inside and this is so you can take another test a few days later to check the result. I would suggest your friend takes another test, or visits her GP so they can test her and say for sure if she is pregnant or not.

You are able to get free pregnancy test from your GP or from your local young person’s sexual health clinic. Brook is a good place to start if you’d like to know where to get free tests and advice, they have a free phone number you can call which is 0808 802 1234.

If your friend would like to talk to us herself then we’d be happy to hear from her – she can talk about being pregnant and how she feels it might have happened and we can almost always keep things confidential, so we wouldn’t usually tell anyone. Either you or your friend would be welcome to email a counsellor, log on for a 1-2-1 chat or call us free on 0800 1111.

Thanks again for your message, I hope this has helped.

Take care,


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