Ask Sam letter


To Sam

Help please!

dear sam, i am thirteen years old and i have recently got pregnant to my curent boyfriend please help me and i dont know weather i want to keep it or not.
Ask Sam


Hi and thanks for writing to me.

You told me you are pregnant and you’re not sure whether you want to keep the baby or not.

It must be pretty scary to find out you are pregnant and then to have to make such an important decision about what to do.

It’s good that you are taking time to think about the options and asking for support, before making your decision.

I’m wondering if you have been able to discuss your pregnancy with your boyfriend to see what feelings he has about this? Also, is there a relative or friend you trust, that you can talk to?

I’m glad you have been able to write to me about this and I wonder how you’d feel about talking to one of our counsellors at ChildLine. You can talk about your feelings about pregnancy and the counsellor can support you and help you to consider your options.

You can use our online 1-2-1 chat or phone: 0800 1111 to talk to a counsellor. You can also look at the Message Boards to see how other young people are coping with pregnancy and check out the Explore section of the website where we have loads of information about pregnancy, including links to places you can go for practical help.

Take care


Need help straight away?

You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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