Ask Sam letter


To Sam

my Dad

hello sam,
my parents have split up since i was in year 1 and im in year 7 now i was wondering what rights i have to see my father . my mum said she dont want me to see him but my sister says its up to me so i was wondering if you could tell me can i still see my father ( by the way my father is not on my birth citifacate ).
Ask Sam


Hi and thanks for your message.

When parents are not together it can be difficult for the children, particularly when different family members are telling us different things. The laws around family can be really complicated and I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to give you a definite answer because it depends on so many other things that I don’t know about your situation. 

What you could do is talk to an organisation called the Children’s Legal Centre. They can give you some free legal advice and explain to you how the law works with families after you tell them more about your situation.  Depending on how things are at home it could be helpful to talk to mum about this and listen to her reasons and she could listen to yours.  It can be hard to be in a situation like this as we do not want to hurt or disappoint one parent while not wanting to lose contact with the other.

The Children’s Legal Centre have a free phone number you can call them on which is 0808 802 0008 (open 08:00 - 20:00 Monday to Friday) or you can chat online with them by going to their website.

It sounds like you’re hoping you do get to see your dad and that must feel frustrating for you if you aren’t able to make that decision. Perhaps you could come and talk to a ChildLine counsellor about how it’s felt for you? We’re here for you whenever you want to talk, either online through our 1-2-1 chat or on the phone 08000 1111, it’s free and confidential.

You take care


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