Worries about the world

Some things that happen in the world can make us scared, confused, and unsafe, or like we don’t have any control. However you feel, it can really help to share your feelings and get support.

Hearing things in the news

The news can be a great way to find out more about what’s happening in the world. But some of things you see, hear or read can be upsetting, or even make you feel angry.

Some stuff can be hard to make sense of, like politics, wars, climate change, natural disasters or other world events like terrorist attacks.

But there are things you can do if you're worried, confused or scared.

what to do if you're worried

It’s natural to feel troubled after you hear something scary or upsetting in the news or online. Even though it’s unlikely that anything bad will happen, it can leave you feeling scared, anxious or like you don’t want to go out. But no matter how you’re feeling there are ways to get support.

terrorism, attacks and bombings

Hearing about terrorist attacks or bombings can make you anxious or scared. You might feel unsafe or feel like an attack could happen at any time. But it's important to remember that these attacks are still rare.

Knowing more about terrorism and how to stay safe can help you to feel more confident in the future.

calling me terrorist just coz
I'm Muslim and
judging me
without knowing me

Share your feelings on our message boards

What is radicalisation?

Watch: Talking to Childline

being bullied or treated badly

After a terrorist attack, some people might blame or attack people based on their faithreligion or how they look. This is always wrong. It's never okay for someone to discriminate or bully you.

Being bullied or treated badly can:

  • make you feel isolated or upset
  • stop you feeling able to go out or see people
  • lower your self-esteem
  • leave you feeling like you have to change.

However you're feeling, there are ways to cope. You don't need to change who you are to fit in.

Supporting a friend who’s being bullied

If you see someone being bullied or singled out because of their race or religion there are ways to support them.

  • Tell someone. You could speak to an adult you trust, a teacher or police officer.
  • Don’t join in. If someone is saying something racist or offensive, staying and watching can make it seem like you agree. If it’s safe you could disagree or walk away.
  • Help your friend. You could show them that you’re there to support them, ask them how they’re feeling or help them to do something they enjoy.
  • Share your views. It can be scary to disagree with someone. But if you feel safe to it’s okay to say that you don’t agree with someone if they're being racist or offensive.

What if you were someone else?

Imagine what it would feel like to be someone who might not fit in, or who seems different.

It can feel confusing if you don’t understand someone's religion, culture or beliefs. You might be told things by other people or see stuff online. But it’s important to remember that these are other people’s opinions. Try finding out for yourself so you can have a better understanding.

This can help you decide what feels right and wrong and see what it’s like for that person.

If you think someone might be planning an attack or be involved in something dangerous, call us free on 0800 1111 or get in touch online. If you think someone is in serious danger, you can call 999 for urgent help.

You might feel silly or unsure about reporting something if you don’t know for certain. But it’s always OK to tell us, even it turns out to be nothing serious.

Find out more about our confidentiality promise.