Sexting and nudes

Sharing nudes can happen. And if it does, emotions can run really high. Everything can feel very intense. So our advice is here to help you know your rights, the law, or what to do if something goes wrong.

What is sexting?

Sexting is when you send a sexual message, photo or video to someone else. It could be a picture of you, but sometimes people send pictures and videos of other people.

This could be to a friend, partner, or someone you don’t know.

This can involve:

  • Photos or videos where you’re partly or completely naked, or in your underwear
  • Posing in a sexual position
  • Dick pics
  • Talking about sexual things you’re doing or want to do
  • Doing sexual things on a live stream


Is it illegal to send nudes?

Someone's asking me to share nudes

If you’ve started chatting to someone, and you’re forming a connection, they might ask you to send them nudes or sexual videos of yourself. This might feel fun, or you might be worried about saying no. It might be what everyone your age says they’re doing.

However, it’s really important to stop and think before you make any decisions. What you share online can stick around for longer than you think, including photos, videos, and comments. It’s good to always keep this in mind.

And always remember – sharing nudes should always be consensual. No one ever has the right to make you do something without your consent.

If someone is pressuring you to send nudes you could:

Explain how you feel

Try saying how you feel when you’re asked for a nude or sexual message. If someone doesn’t listen or you don’t feel able to, it can help to contacttalk to us or an adult you trust.

Stop talking to them

You don’t have to talk to anyone that is making you feel uncomfortable or pressuring you.

Block and report them

If someone won’t stop messaging you or asking you for nudes, blocking and reporting them can help to keep you and other young people safe.

What can I do if I’ve shared a nude?

If you’ve shared a nude, but you’re now feeling unsure about what’s just happened, you could:

  • Ask for the message to be deleted
    Explain that you’re not comfortable with them keeping the picture and ask them to delete it.
  • Talk to someone you trust
    Talking can be scary. But it can also help you get support and stay in control. Find out more about asking an adult for help.
  • Get help with how you’re feeling
    If you’re struggling with the situation, or you don’t know what to do, contact us.
  • Report the image to Report Remove
    If you’re worried someone might share your image, you can report it using the Report Remove tool. This will mean that if it does get shared online, this tool can work to take it down.

Someone's saying they'll share my nudes

If this is happening to you, it can feel really overwhelming, frightening, and confusing. We’re here to help you get through this. Always remember, nobody has the right to threaten, blackmail or try to manipulate you.

Sometimes people will use your nudes to try and make you send money or do things, this can be called sextortion and it’s not your fault if it’s happened.

If you’re being threatened it’s important you:

Don’t reply to threats

Don’t reply to someone trying to threaten or blackmail you, and don’t send more photos. If they ask for money, don’t pay them either. It can be scary, but it can help you to keep in control

Talk to an adult you trust

Talking about something like this might feel embarrassing or scary, but talking to someone you trust will help you know what to do next, and feel better supported. If you don’t know who to talk to, you can always talk to us.

Use Report Remove to get your nudes taken down from the internet

If you're under 18 and a nude image or video has been shared online, we can help you get it removed from the internet. Find out how to remove a nude image shared online.

Report what’s happened

If you’re under 18 and you’re being threatened you can make a report to CEOP. Making a report isn’t confidential but it does mean that they can help to stop what’s happening.

If you’re struggling or you don’t know what to do, you can always contact our counsellors.

have been

Report and remove your nudes

Can I ask someone for nudes?

When you’re attracted to someone, flirting, or you’ve been seeing someone for some time, sending nudes can be tempting. But sending nudes or asking someone for theirs can lead to people feeling pressured into doing something they’re not fully comfortable with.

If you want to ask for a nude, think about:

How the other person will feel
Being asked for a nude, especially when you don’t want to, can make a lot of people feel uncomfortable.

How old you both are
It’s important you know it’s against the law to ask someone who’s under 18 to send a nude, even if you’re under 18 as well.

Whether it will put pressure on the other person
Making someone feel bad for not sending a nude, even if you don’t mean to, is a type of pressure. If you’re not sure if someone would feel pressured, don’t ask.

Whether you trust this person
Do you trust that this person is who they say they are?

REMEMBER: Even if someone sends you a nude or sexual message, it’s never OK to share it without their permission.

I've shared my nude with someone who didn't want it

Sharing nudes, dick pics, videos or sexual messages with someone who doesn’t consent to receive them isn’t OK, even when you might be in a relationship with this person. And it can be against the law.

If you’ve shared a message or picture with someone who doesn’t want it:

  • Apologise about what you’ve sent
  • Stop contacting the person if they don’t want you to talk to them
  • Don’t pressure the person to send images or messages back
  • Talk to someone you trust about what happened

about sending a nude pic

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