Ask Sam letter


To Sam

injections in school

Hi Sam I am in year 8 and this will be my first injection in school I am really scared I am terrified of neadles please help my we are in a room with the nurse and my friends aren't aloud to come in to distract  me I hope you can help me with my problem thank you so much
Ask Sam


Hi there,

Lots of people are scared of needles, so you’re not alone with this feeling. Unfortunately we all need to have injections from time to time. Often the thought of having an injection is much worse than actually having them. They are usually over really quickly and aren’t too painful.

If you explain to the nurse that you feel scared about needles, he or she might be able to distract you from it. You might want to look away from the needle. Sitting down at the time could be a good idea in case you start to feel faint or panicked by it.

As your friends aren’t there, you may need to distract yourself by thinking about something else if you can. You could sing your favourite song in your head. Another option could be to think about your favourite place and try and imagine yourself there.

Sometimes taking a small object with you can help – something you can hold in your free hand and focus on, rather than the needle.

If you’d like to talk it through some more at any time with a ChildLine counsellor you’re more than welcome too. You can call on 0800 1111 (all calls are free and don’t show up on the bill) or use 1-2-1 chat.

You may also like to take a look at the phobias area on the ChildLine message boards for some other suggestions. It’s something that quite a few young people have spoken about.

Take care,


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