Ask Sam letter


To Sam

My friend sent me porn

my friend sent this weird frickin porn website about sex toys. It was on Instagram and it made me feel very uncomftable, especially as im only 12. I don't think I can bring myself to talk about it, as he might get mad and not be my friend. please send a reply sometime as to help with this situation. thanks xxxx

Ask Sam


Hi there

It is natural to feel upset or angry when you’re sent something you didn’t want to look at. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable you have the right to tell them how you feel. This can be difficult to do, especially when it’s a friend who’s making you feel this way. But, being honest with friends can make friendships stronger.

Some people may look at online porn as a way to learn and find out more about sex. But it should always be a choice. It’s not okay for someone to send you a link to something online without telling you what it is first.

It’s also important to remember that porn is created for adults. And it can cause different feelings depending on how old you are or if you’re even curious about porn or not. Most of the time, these images and sites are not a true reflection of what sex is like and feeling pressured to watch or look at anything that makes you feel uncomfortable is wrong. No one has the right to make you do anything you don’t want to do.

It’s good to be honest about the way that you feel with friends. When you talk to them it can help to think about the reasons they may have done what they have. You can then explain to them assertively how you feel in a way that still respects them. It would be okay to tell your friend that it was wrong to send you this without explaining what it was and to ask not to send anything else like that in the future.

Our Childline counsellors are always here to listen and to support you if you need help deciding what to do next.

Thanks for your letter, take care.


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