Ask Sam letter


To Sam

My drink was spiked

hey, i dont know what to do! i was going to a party when my drink was spiked. i dont remember anything just what i have been told. i really need someone to speak to but dont know how! can you help me

Ask Sam


Hi there

Spiking a drink is when someone adds something to your drink without you knowing, either before they give it to you or when you’re not looking. Someone might spike a drink with alcohol or drugs as a dare or because they think that it’s funny to watch someone behave differently or lose control. Sometimes they might do it to make you less able to take care of yourself so that they can steal something or hurt you. Spiking someone’s drink is illegal and can be dangerous.

You can’t predict how someone will react to alcohol or drugs and you can be more unsafe if you don’t know you’ve taken something. When a drink has been spiked you might feel unwell and act differently. You could have memory loss, feel confused, lose your balance, feel sick and pass out or become unconscious.

If you or your friends start to feel strange or more drunk than you expect to be, you should get help straight away. Tell someone you trust, like a family member, nurse, doctor or the police, that you think your drink has been spiked. If you’re on your own call someone who can help and get to a safe place. It’s best to be cautious of accepting help from a stranger and never leave where you are with someone you don’t know. It’s always okay to call 999 if you need urgent help.

When a drink is spiked, it can make the effects of any alcohol or drugs you’ve already had stronger or could react with medication or medicine you normally take so it’s important to get medical advice. You could see your doctor, call NHS 111 or go to A&E if you’re worried. You’ll need an adult to take you home safely and to stay with you until you feel better and the effects have worn off.

Losing your memory can feel scary and you might feel anxious and angry about what happened. You can get support from a counsellor at Childline and you can phone, chat online or send an email if that feels easier. They can support you with how you’re feeling now and whether you want to report what happened to the police. It can take time to build your confidence and trust other people again and you could speak to your doctor or school about counselling and other help that’s available if you need more support.

When you feel ready to socialise again there are some things you can do to be safer when you go out. Always keep your own drink with you and don’t accept drinks from anyone else. Even when you’re chatting or dancing keep hold of your drink where you can see it at all times and when you go to the toilet take it with you. If you leave a drink unattended, even for a short time, it’s always best not to drink it.

You and your friends can look out for each other, stay together and make plans to get home safely. You could ask a parent or carer to pick you up or all stay at one person’s house so that you can go home together. Try to stick to the arrangements so that no one is left on their own at the end of the night

Keep your phone charged and tell your parent or carer where you’re going and what time you’ll be home. Always let them know if you’re feeling worried or you’ve been left on your own and keep some spare cash for an emergency. If you need to get a taxi check the registration of the car with the information the taxi company sent you and forward the text or screenshot the details and send them to your parents or carer.

Remember, whatever you’re worried about, you can get support from a counsellor at Childline .

Thank you for your letter.

Take care,


Need help straight away?

You can talk privately to a counsellor online or call 0800 1111 for free.

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