Thanks for writing to Sam

Sam reads every letter, but can only reply to a few each week. If your letter is chosen, you’ll be able to see Sam’s reply on the website. Even if your letter isn’t published, there are lots of ways to get support:

New letters are published each week, so check back in a couple of weeks to see if yours has been answered.

Letters like yours

My embarrassing day

ye me and my 2 friends went to my crush and I told him J liked him tben ran away I cane back and my friend told me he...

What my friend said

So ive been incecure about my body since forever and i started getting better and better and until a few weeks ago i ...

i feel ashamed

hi sam, i am 15 and a lesbian and i feel really ashamed. whenever people bring up gay people it makes me feel uneasy ...

Worried about not getting a reply?

If you need support right now or would like a private reply to your message, you can sign up to speak to a counsellor any time.

You can also send a message to a Childline counsellor any time from your account, and you’ll usually get a private reply within a day.

Talking to Childline is confidential, and you can speak about anything that's worrying you.

Share your views

Whenever you phone Childline, you'll hear a recorded message that tells you how we work and asks if you want to talk. We want your help to improve this.

Visit the page below to listen to the message and share what you think about it.

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