When Someone Dies

When someone dies, there's no right or wrong way to feel. Everyone experiences it differently, but you don't have to cope on your own. We're always here for you

Losing someone

The death of someone you care about can be very difficult. These feelings are sometimes called grief. It's natural to have strong reactions when someone you care about dies.

You might feel:

  • sad
  • like you can't handle things
  • confused
  • scared
  • numb
  • worried that you may never feel OK again.

Try not to put too much pressure on yourself to feel better straight away. These feelings will change over time. It's important to try to accept how you feel.

You might also be upset about the death of an animal or pet. Or when someone's still alive but you're not able to see or talk to them anymore. This can also really hurt.

Remember that there’s no right or wrong way to feel

Nobody can tell you how you should feel after someone dies – everyone has their own way of dealing with loss.

Things to remember

  • Talk to a safe adult or Childline about how you're feeling can really help.
  • It's OK to feel the way that you feel, cry if you feel like it.
  • Look after yourself – remember to eat well and get plenty of rest.
  • Things can get easier over time.

ways to cope when someone dies

It's important to remember that feeling upset, scared or worried is normal. Lots of people feel this way after someone has died, but it's also OK if you don't.

If someone dies suddenly, you might feel shocked or worried. You might find your feelings very tough to deal with but there are things that can help you cope.

Reactions to losing someone

Everyone reacts to death differently and there's no right or wrong way to feel. When someone dies, you might feel:

Saying goodbye to someone who has died

You could be feeling worried about the funeral. You may be unsure about what’s going to happen and feel worried about feeling really upset on the day.

It’s OK to feel like this and it can really help to share these feelings with a safe adult or with a Childline counsellor.

Remembering someone who has died

Lots of people worry about forgetting someone who has died. It can help to collect things that help remind you of the person, like photos and gifts. You can keep these in a box or a safe place and take them out a reminder any time you want.

You might want to visit the grave or the place the ashes were scattered. But sometimes this can feel scary. If you’re not sure, it can help to talk to a safe adult.

You may find that birthdays and special events are times when you miss them most. But doing something to remember them on the day can really help.

When someone famous dies

It can be very upsetting when someone famous dies and it may have come as a real shock. Even if you haven’t met or spoken to them they could have played a big part in your life. Maybe you saw them on TV a lot or listened to their music most days. Their death may have reminded you of somebody else you really cared about who also died.

It’s OK to feel really upset. Sharing how you feel with a safe adult or Childline could really help.